Thursday, February 1, 2007

Feever of Unknown cause...

Jacob's had a feever since the 15th of January. On Tuesday we did a chest x-ray to rule out pneaumonia. It was clear. From there they sent us for blood work...we basically left home at 9 for a apt...and got back at 4 after all that. Including a dr apt for me. His Ped Dr. W at Kids 1st has reviewed what has come back so far of his blood work. All of which is normal. They ruled out Mono and Epstien well as testing his blood levels and such. Yet today is day 17 of a 101+/- feever. She has refered him to the Diagnostic Center at CHOP. Jacob's nurse....and Dr. W both believe this could be something to do with his G-Tube, and a staff type infection. It's obvious it's SOMETHING...yet nobody can pinpoint anything. He's not tollerating his full feeds, his cough is getting horendous and his feever is still up. We're to watch his hydration closly..and at first sign of trouble take him down to the ER. I sence a very very long weekend coming. Thankfully his nurse for monday (after calling her on her cell today ) has agreed to come early Monday since to be at CHOP by 8:30am for a 9am apt ... we have to leave home by 7 at the latest....maybe earlier.

Overview The Children's Hospital Diagnostic Center is designed to meet the needs
of patients with complex or hard-to-diagnose illnesses. The physicians and staff
of the Diagnostic Center work closely with referring physicians in managing the
overall care of the patient. The physicians and staff coordinate subspecialty
consultations, evaluate subspecialtists' findings and report all results and
recommendations to the referring physician and parents. Children with complex
problems requiring inpatient care and the use of multiple subspecialties may be
admitted through the Diagnostic Center staff physicians. The result is a team of
professionals dedicated to assisting the referring physician in coordinating the
care of children with complex illnesses.

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