Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pulmo Apt Update

We saw Pulmo today...for a 9am apt. Finally saw the doctor at 11!! OMG This guy is ALWAYS a couple hours late! (But he is a great doctor) Jacob's feever is back....has been since last friday. I kept hoping and praying we'd see some sign of ILLNESS! (is it really bad when you hope they are sick??) He's running around 100-101 (rectal) and acting perfectly fine!

The only major difference....he's drinking more again. And coughing while drinking, not constant...but enough to cause us to notice. KWIM?

His pulmo thinks he's aspirating on the liquids again. And that his swallow study was not "completly accurate" since he only took 1 tsp of liquid. I have to agree So for the next week (till monday the 12th) we're taking away all cups and drinks. I'm so upset and depressed...he just learned to sign Drink! I hate not reinforcing his new signs....especially when it takes him so long to learn them. But I cant see any other explanation for this feever...The first feever in January started when we introduced the nuby cups....I thought this then too....but he ended up with a GI bug, then a ear infection.....but there were 7-10 day's in there with no infection...and still a temp.

On the up side we did see Rachel P today! It's hard to believe he's been out of the NICU at CHOP for 2 years! I gave her this site if she stops by maybe she'll drop us a line ;) Congrats Rachel!!

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