Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Off we go!

Tomorrow morning we leave for Myrtle Beach! We've never been so i'm sure it'll be fun! It is a working 2 day vacation, since Frank is working, his boss is paying for the hotel room for the night since he has a few jobs in the area. But the evening's will be fun :D

We're meeting up with a online friend (Leo) tomorrow night, and having dinner at her place. Should be fun! Wonder what Jacob will think of another child with a tube...he's never met another tuber before!

Yesterday we had fun...we went to Barnet Park here in Spartanburg. They have these awesome sculptures around town, and 2 of them (at least) are there. Here are a few pictures of the fun we had... Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Your photography rocks Trish. You are really good. You need to start charging!
Glad the kids are feeling better.
They look great.
Can't wait to hear how Jacob reacts to another tuber kiddo. That would be surreal for us this way.
Huge hugs honey...I'm jealous your leaving out for an amazing beach trip! Come back with pics.