Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The past week

Nothing can ever be easy ... can it?

Jacob came home from daycare last friday with 102.9 temp...Rectal. By Saturday he was the same...Sat night came around and he's walking around holding his throat, and just laying in bed with me.

So off to the ER. He's got a double ear infection, Strep Throat, Sinus Infection and Upper Resp infection. They gave him a shot of an Antibiotic...and said that should be all he needs. Hummmm I'm doubtfull.

We call the place for a followup....and they cant see him till the 27th. We kept him him yesterday due to retching and vomiting...not much , but he was uncomfy and his temp was still above 101. Today he went to school, but ... I noticed him holding his throat. So i'm calling the clinic back to see if they can get him in sooner. But when I asked him if he wanted to go to school he signed "car ride" so I know he did. Yesterday when I asked he shook his head no. :( I'm so pleased that he answered a question! But sad that he felt that bad.

We're getting very excited about our upcoming trip...I think it'll be great to get away and see some new things.

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Trish, so sorry the kiddo's are sick. STREP? Ohhh, that's the worst. Hope and pray they feel better very soon. Huge hugs