Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend...

Well I know I havent updated...and i'm so sorry! I was sick for thanksgiving, and working the whole weekend too. Scott came in Wednesday night...and we're enjoying our time with him. Caitlynn loves seeing Uncle Scott, and Jacob...well he's wondering who the stranger is in his house ;)

Jacob had a awesome day at daycare on Wednesday...proceeded to have a great weekend...then got sick last night. Never fails, todays a school day (number 5 that he has missed) we've already been sent home a Truency letter for him! OMG he's 3 years old!! What do they think he's just skipping school to watch Thomas? Darn him for sneaking back in after we leave! So we're writing him notes for school...but I wonder how many of them they will accept before we have to take him to the doctor for every bug that he catches.

I'm thinking today may be one of his FUO's...he woke up with a feever, but we couldn't find the thermometer, but he was hot all over. He now feels slightly warm...but is acting fine, and tollerating his feeds. (that's a huge improvement over the past 2 weeks!) He was even out playing with Scruffy. Scruff would bark...then stop. Jacob would bark back...UGH the noise! ;)

We think we have figured out Christmas if only we could get the kids to listen, and sit. This could take awhile!! LOL

I promise to try to get some pictures taken today and tomorrow before Scott leaves. I would hate it if I didn't get any pic's of him with the kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet cuz. Sounds like we were both down sick and with sick kiddos. I'm still not feeling so hot.

OH MY I would love to see Scott. I miss him so much. Please please please please send him my love and give him my email address proud2bnavywife AT

I love you guys sooo much . School pictures will be in this week (I think) and I'll be sure to get your address and send you some in the X-mas card.

Love ya bunches and bunches!!!
Tammy (your super great cuz!)