Friday, July 18, 2008

Ok Tammy....

We are back, but it's been hectic. I'll post a few pic's for you :)


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU...I was begining to think that TN swallowed ya'll whole!!! The pics are amazing...and boy does Caitlyn look just like you and sooo pretty in those glasses. Jacob is starting to look like Frank alot more too. I can't wait to hear about all your fun. I sure do miss you!!

Love ya always!

confusedmommyof3 said...

The kids are getting so big!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well either they have you working too hard and the summer is a bit hectic OR you just don't want to blog or blog hop and keep us all in suspense. I miss coming here and seeing pics of the kids and you and Frank and I miss you like crazy and and and....write soon or visit ok?

Love ya always

joyboytinkertoy said...

your kids are just adorable..

Anonymous said...

OOOOOh everyone's getting so big and just as beautiful! Hope everyone is hanging in there!