Monday, September 17, 2007

Houston (Elementary) we have...

Lift off! Jacob will be starting at Houston Elem on the 26th of this month. It's from 8:30-2 and has a cap on 12 students. Current enrollment (including him) will be 6-8 ( depending on a child who might be entering). There is a teacher and an aid in the class, so it's a great ratio.

On the sad side...The school Spec. Ed director who was very leary of J's Autisim DX...(she doesnt believe a child should be dx'ed under 4 for Autisim) observed him in his daycare today. After talking to his teachers there (he's been there for 5 months now) she is agreeing that the DX is accurate. there was always that hope that maybe it was not right....especailly now that his talking is starting. Oh well...he's still my sweetie!!

Good news also!
The cut off for Kindergarten in SC is September 1st. Since they are starting to serve J when he turns 3 (07-08 school year) He'll still be 3 come the 9-1 cut off for K4. So he goes back into the 3's. Then he'll go to K4, then K5. If he needs the inclusion room still they will try to transition him for parts of the day to a typical class. Essentially he'll get a extra year of preschool (which he needs! ) without me having to fight for it!! To be continued...I'm going to view the school on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Hope the school visit goes well!! Sounds like it could be a great fit for him!

Danielle said...

Hugs to you Trish! Keep your chin up!