Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thankful for...

We're doing a thread on P2P right now and trying to keep it going till Thanksgiving. Each person posting something they are Thankful for each day.

Yesterday morning Jacob took his Zofran by mouth!! Then again last night and this morning! He's taking Meds WILLINGLY!!!! Tonight he took his Zofran and Prevacid orally!

And afterwards started asking for....


He's soooo loving smarties! His eyes got so big when I brought him's so amazing! He's eating! Not alot...not nutritious ;) but he's eating!!!


Anonymous said...

That is soo amazing!!! I'm sooo excited for the little guy. Think we can convince him that regular food is candy? Probably not! Miss ya cuz!!

Andrea "The H family" said...

Girl.....that would warrant a 'smartie' party in our house!! Luke is still not eating. Praise GOD TRISH! PRAISE GOD!

Andrea "The H family" said...

p.s. solids that is. He's eating stage 2 baby food. But, I covet the day he can pop smarties in his mouth. :)