Friday, October 26, 2007
OMG! I'm in Shock!!
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 1 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tiffany... Not sure ... Lilly and Caitlynn on the hayride :)
Also wanted to give a Shout Out to Nana Hilary! Thanks so much for my birthday gift! You are so much missed by all of use! Hope to see you soon!
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Boo at the zoo...
Click there...and click the pictures to enlarge...Enjoy! :)
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 1 comments
IEP... & Cleaning Up
One of the specific's of Jacob's IEP was they wanted him to help with 'clean up'. He's (as many autistic kids) is resistent to change, or to change what they are doing at that time. Playing = more playing... :)
Yesterday he was dumping rocks out of mom's flower's from G-Ma. I stopped him and told him he had to clean up.
As I was helping him put them back I hear him going "keen up, keen up" YAY!!! He knows he has to clean up! And was helping put it all back :)
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
I went to Wal*Mart
Ok that doesnt sound to bad, right?
I decided my jeans were totally anoying me being to big. But I havent bought jeans in a 'regular' store in 3 years. Sooo I tried on a pair of 24's (current Jeans are Lane Bryant 26's, were snug when puchased in april) they were to big!!! So I tried on 22's and they fit...comfy!! I wanted black though, and they were out so I'll go to the other walmart on Sunday and get the black
WOOO HOOO!! I can shop at cheap (er) stores now!
I just dug in the back of the closet, and found a pair of Jeans that were given to me about 2 years ago. I remember never being able to get my thighs in. I'm sitting here wearing them right now :) WITH room to spare!!
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 1 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Jacob got to try...
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
IEP Update
I got to the school early and tried to see Jacob getting on the school bus. I thought I parked far enough away for him NOT to see my van. But yes...he saw it and tried to break away from his teacher. So I got out and I got lots of Jacob style kisses He told me - One ***lots of Jacob babble*** a few times...I so wish I knew what he was trying sooo hard to say! He got on the bus like a champ even though Mommy was at the school, I was so proud of that! I did have to tell the bus driver to move the chest clip up she had it down near the buckle Lets just say i'll be following up on that.
Speech was pleased with his progress, but he screams though parts of the sessions. It's 2x's a week for 30 min's each. Non of it is 1:1 which I was NOT pleased about, and vocalized my concern. She did say if a spot opened he'd be 'one of the ones' in line for it.
They did need a chair in the lunchroom with a strap for him. He's interested in other kids lunches, but cant have anything yet. After talking to GI we may send in some things like gerber puffs for him to play with during lunch.
They want him to be able to sit for a story for 5 min's ... and play with things appropriatly. All things you have may have heard us mention before. Alot of it has to do with the Autisim, but alot of it we just call "Jacob". They sound like decent goals all around. She did say if I emailed her the form I made up she will print it out, she volunteered after I told her I was out of ink in my printer ABA therapy...not available UGH, would have to find a private place to get it for him.OT and PT - He will be evaluated, but can take up to 7 weeks to get evaluated. Then there will be another meeting based on the findings.
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 4 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sooo Hectic
Things have been in an uproar this past week and a half. Jacob stopped an antibiotic on the 7th for step throat. It was Ceftin...On Tuesday he started with blowout diahreah. It was awefull! School was affraid it was contagious, and they said he had a feever. Ok out of work I was for that day, and off to get him. Got him home and it was bad...but no feever? Well low grade, but that's "Normal" for our boy! We 'thought' it might be the CIB added to his feeds to up his calories. So we cut that out and added in banana's... and LOTS of them! At least they were the high cal ones and it almost made up for the lack of CIB in his feeds, by cutting that out we were missing 260 calories. The next day seemed better....we were ohhhh so hopefull that we found the problem. Then school called again, and we called his gi. Gi said they had nobody in the office to see him, and we explained how quickly he can dehydrate, and the last time we saw him like this was a 3 day admission to CHOP. They said to take him to the ER. So Frank left work this time...he had a 100.3 temp when he got to the ER, but again, that could be very normal for Jacob - 99.6 to 100.8 is his NORMAL. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is sick and what is Jacob.
They have determined that he had a severe allergic reaction to the Ceftin that he had FINISHED on the 7th. He had no problems while on it, but apparently it kills the 'good' bacteria in the digestive track. And with his compramised GI system it threw him all out of wack for lack of a better term. So we are giving him culturel for a few days to get him back in order. And we're down 2-3 a day. So he get's to go to school with a note tomorrow!
Tuesday is his IEP at school, wish us luck everyone. We are a bit nervous, there are some things he needs, and with his Autisim it's imperative that he get's the therapy he needs. But i'm worried that with him talking some now they will think he doesnt need it. I also sent a note to school on Thursday asking how he's doing in the lunchroom. It didnt have to be a long answer. Good, bad or otherwise would of been fine! What did I get back? "his IEP is on the 16th" NO DUH!!! I was there when it was scheduled! UGH!!! I'm so Praying for a good day.
Good news though, even with 2 illness he's stayed ABOVE 30 pounds! He almost dipped below...and after getting him over 31 it's still a huge loss, but at least he kept over 30 :)
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 1 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Name the Apostles...
Frank tried to get Jacob to repeat the names of the Apostles.
After James...comes...
Gordon, Henry, Toby....Thomas...
Yes he started naming his Thomas the train characters!!! WOOO HOOOO Just the talking is great! I dont care who he names ;)
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 2 comments
I've lost 30 pounds...yes 30!! WOOOO HOOOO! I have 70 to go, but suddenly that seems possible! I also turn 30 in a couple weeks...WOW how the time is just flying by!
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 3 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
New update...
On Jacob. :) Sorry folks, the site I had linked the pictures from went down. We lost that last 5 days of posts. So I lost the pictures. I put them up on Photobucket here goes! This link his of his new button. A bit traumatic, and for once i'm glad he's not very verbal! I can hear it now... "my mommy and mom mom held me down and let this strange lady in scrubs....." Ok you get the picture! I pray he wont remember this when he's older....but I know he remembers it right now. He's very defensive of his belly around feed times. We're hopeing it get's better this weekend, otherwise we'll have to have him seen next week.
This 2nd link is to his birthday party pictures :) He had alot of fun playing with Aidan (age 3.5) and Jonathan and Eli (age 6 month Twins) I'm not sure he realized anything was 'special' about the day though. We did decide that Santa is not wrapping his gifts this year. I helped him with the first gift...and then Aidan, Caitlynn and Tiffany (C's friend) helped with the rest. He didnt understand that there was 'cool stuff' in that paper. :( Kinda sad to see knowing what most 3 yr olds would do. BUt he's come a long way, and we are super proud of what he has done!!
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 5 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The number...
{{hugs to you}} From Trish ~CnJ's Mommy~ 2 comments